Safeguarding Resource and Support Hub

Terre des hommes, with the leadership of the UK organisations Social Development Direct and Options, and the cooperation of other partners (Sightsavers, ICVA Clear Global), has set up an international project based on the ChildHub model to support less resourced CSOs strengthen their safeguarding systems and practices both in humanitarian as well as development actions. The website created during the project contains a number of practical publications that can help NGOs develop safeguarding policies or develop training for staff. The website offers materials in 10 languages, an e-learning course with 5 modules, and a basic package (Safeguarding Essentials) for  organisations that only start their safeguarding journies.


users completed a module of the e-learning course
users visited the website in the first six months of 2022
times were resources downloaded from the website since 2020.

At the center of the project the Hub website offers a rich library of resources, including short, practical and contextualised tools in 10 languages, that can support smaller development organisations to improve their safeguarding systems and practices. The website also offers a 5-module e-learning course that covers all important aspects of organisational safeguarding.

In the countries of interventions the project has built communities of practice through training and mentoring, addressing the specific needs of smaller aid organisations. These organisations can also access an “Ask an Expert” service free of charge to help them with specific issues. Live webinars in different languages provide opportunities for aid workers for further learning.

By the end of the mentorship programme, there was a great progress in the organisations’ knowledge level and practical safeguarding measures were taken including safe recruitment procedures, conducting risk assessment, and a safeguarding roles and responsibilities document was approved by a management team and circulated among the staff.”

Hager ElSayed, safeguarding mentor in Yemen.

Ruth Luka, a community volunteer who was granted the opportunity to volunteer with one of the mentored NGOs, commented,

"I have worked as a volunteer for numerous organisations, but was ignorant about safeguarding and I feel that I might have caused harm in the past without knowing. Now that I understand safeguarding, I am able to consciously take steps to protect individuals from harm, avoid harm myself, and keep myself and my organisation safe. "


Project duration: December 2019-May 2024

 Partners: Options, Social Development Direct, Clear Global, Sightsavers, ICVA

 Donors: Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office UK

Total budget(Tdh only)GBP 1 million (2nd phase)

 Project manager and email: Bernadett Fodor (