
The latest news about the children we help.
In Romania there were grand openings for the new school year  on the 5th of September 2022. Among the local children, there are Ukrainian kids who joined the classes. Some of them are just listening, not actually studying, but they also have the possibility to fully attend as a pupil.…
Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, Moldova and Romania have been facing an unprecedented influx of displaced people, mostly women and children. Terre des hommes and its partners have been active in these countries for a long time and have set up children's spaces and baby corners in key…
In the past two years, almost 200 Romanian coaches have been trained to prevent the emotional, verbal or physical harm of children in a sports context. For the past two years, the Terre des hommes Foundation has worked with the National Authority for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities,…
FabLab Győr welcomed high school students to participate in a 24-hour competition, “Aludj Máskor!” (Sleep another time!), organised by the Győr Municipality, on 27–28 November 2021, to promote a healthy lifestyle and environmentally-conscious…
I loved that it truly was a child-led programme, which is not often the case. Some might use such a phrase, but when it comes to applying it, it's rarely even the case. We've got the chance to really express ourselves, and not just it: what we said was actually "the main course", I thought it was…
To effectively protect child victims from further harm and support their healing process, i-RESTORE promotes the use of child-friendly restorative justice and empowers children to become agents of change.   The best interest of the child should always be at the core of…